Tips for Parents
Tips for Parents
Tips From the Westridge Office
- Put your child’s last name on all sweatshirts and outerwear. We prefer names at the back of the neck or on the tongue on shoes. There are so many clothes we send to charity because we cannot find the owner and many times children don’t realize they have lost something so they don’t think to check “Lost and Found” themselves.
- When your child is absent or late, due to illness, appointments or travel, please email or phone the office to let us know. Our voicemail is always on, so if you think of it before school hours or in the evening you can even call then. The school’s number is 503-534-2371.
- When students are late to school they must check in at the office. One of the secretaries will give them a late slip and then they can head to class. This is for anyone arriving after 8:20am when the second bell has rung.
- When you know your student is going to be late to school, make plans for lunch. Our lunch count is given to the kitchen staff first thing each morning, taking the lunch orders is the first thing teachers do along with attendance. If you are going to be late to school and you know your child is planning on having “hot lunch” please call in your student’s order in the morning. If they arrive after the count is turned in they can’t be guaranteed to get the lunch item they are hoping for.
- Please drop lunches, homework or other forgotten items at the office. When parents pop in to drop off things to their students it is a disruption to the entire class. Please leave the item with your student’s name with the office and we will get it to your child. If it is time sensitive (e.g. math homework and they must have it during math time) please let us know so we can do our best to meet the deadline.
- Keep in mind that we are limited to what care we can provide in the Health room. We cannot dispense any medications (Advil, ibuprofen or even Neosporin) to any students unless their parent brought the medication in and has filled out the proper paperwork. This is due to the risk of unknown allergies or reactions children may have to medicines they have never been exposed to. For wounds we can only clean them with soap and water and bandage them. That is why we will often advise students to re-bandage a cut or scrape when they get home so that you can put on the proper antibacterial.
- When students leave for an appointment they must be checked out and then back in at the office. We cannot send the child out front to watch and wait for you, we ask that you please come inside. Additionally, we will call your child from class for you; please do not go to your child’s classroom to get them. We try to keep classroom interruptions at a minimum.
- Have a clear plan for pick-up. Talk to your child about their dismissal plan.